Saturday, December 3, 2011

Christ Chapel Missions Update, Dec 2011

WRCC Missions Update, December 2011

Two significant events are recapped this month.

In July 2011, a number of WRCC individuals, mostly educators, traveled to Ruach Ministries and the Ruach International Christian Academy in Honduras. Ruach Ministries is directed by Lance and Annette Turner, website is


Patti King shares the following:

“Annette and Lance (Turner)...words cannot express their hearts for missions and the heart of people in Honduras. They created an incredible week long experience of a life-time. You see...I'd never been on a missions trip before and this first experience was incredible. Awesome food, fun, and in an atmosphere conducive to the wooing of my heart. I wanna go back…like yesterday!”

“I hear the heart of the Father calling us back to Comayagua and unite with Lance and Annette. I believe that God will use Christ Chapel Warner Robins to reach our Honduran brothers and sisters. Pray for funding, pray for facilities, pray housing, pray for transportation, you know ...just pray and ask the Father to show you your place in missions. Thank you in advance for making a way. Let the Glory of the Lord reign down! AMEN!"

Belize 2011

Oct 1-8, 2011 a team of 18 individuals returned to Laugh Out Loud Ministries in southern Belize, ( ). The team provided a vision clinic for people in San Felipe and San Antonio villages, as well as in Punta Gorda. Jervis Fisher, the missionary at LOL said he is believing that God will use the vision clinic to “open the eyes of Belizean people to the truth about Jesus and see His love..” A group of young people and one old guy provided skits, stories and puppet ministry in several school classrooms. The team also learned what it’s like to work in the steamy jungles of Belize, preparing palm fronds to construct a garage roof at LOL.

God met us in Belize and changed our lives forever. A return trip for Oct 2012 is already being planned.

For more information on these stories and regards WRCC Missions:

Ken Hanson,, 478-320-5533

Friday, October 7, 2011

Friday, Oct 7, 2011

A very long, tiring and fun day!! We departed LOL early this morning bound for Placencia. There we boarded water taxis to the ocean, picked up our snorkel gear and headed out one hour transit time to a tiny caye (pronounced "key") for a day of sun (and rain and clouds!), snorkeling and some delicious chicken. We saw myriad fish, lobsters, a black-tipped shark, sea turtles, nurse sharks, manta rays and a spotted ray! What an amazing experience!!

Early tomorrow morning we bid Laugh Out Loud and the entire staff a fond farewell!!! We are SO APPRECIATIVE of everything they do in hosting a team here, their hospitality, the food, the ministry, the experience, the friends!!! It is an amazing experience!

The team is already talking about next year. Some of the young people think an internship here at LOL might be just what God has in mind.

We should be back in Warner Robins by about 8:30pm Saturday night!

THANK YOU LAUGH OUT LOUD!! You have accumulated 15 new friend/supporters (three of us had been here before!!). We pray God's continuing favor over each and everyone of you!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Wednesday, Oct 5, 2011

Early devotions this morning. Jervis brought us all into the prayer room. It was a time of communion with God and preparation for a long, tiring and very rewarding day.

We road our bus to the village of San Antonio. The vision team set up shop in an old part of the school. San Antonio was built and developed by Roman Catholic missionaries and personnel. There's a beautiful stonework church in the center of town built in 1954. Many of the school buildings were built about the same time by Catholic missionaries.

The young people and I had many very special moments in the classrooms with the students from ages 12 down to about 5 and 6. The children are very shy, but we have been able to connect with some of them.

The vision clinic went well. Many, many people were served and the vision team said the joy and happiness on their faces was incredibly rewarding.

This has been our first day that it has not rained....much! Most of the days here it has poured! We are hoping and praying for good weather for tomorrow's return to the jungle to cut more cahoon branches!! Those who were out there on Tuesday are skeptical of going back!!

Blessings to all!


Tuesday, October 4, 2011


What a fabulous team God has put together!! Several of the team were in the jungle today and I'm pretty certain absolutely none of these members knew what they were in for when the day began. They went into the jungle with three local workers to cut cahoon branches to build a roof for the LOL garage which is under construction. Cahoon branches are very long (18-20 feet) palm like branches which are cut and then split to be constructed into a very durable and leak-proof roof. The Cahoon Team were mud from head to toe by the end of the day, but their spirits were indomitable!!!

The vision team went to the Belize Council for the Visually Impaired (BVCI) office in PG Town and saw patients all day long. Many happy Belizeans left the office today with new glasses and a "new outlook" on life!

If you are reading this and are in any way connected to any member of this team I simply want to tell you that God hand-picked each one of these folks to be here!! And He has given them a spirit to meet the task at hand and carry it out with excellence!! You can be justifiably proud of any and all of these team members!!

Monday Oct, 3, 2011

WOW!!! The time here has been a blur!! Sunday afternoon we enjoyed team building with an excursion to Blue Creek Park in the pouring rain! And when I say rain, boy, do I mean rain!! The river was so high we could not go in the cave, but we had a wonderful afternoon getting to know each other better.
On the bus ride home there were a few moments of a little bit of uncertainty if the bus was going to stay on the road because of the volume of water covering the road!! Garrett was our driver extraordinaire and we safely returned to LOL.
Following supper our first real evening of devotions!! Praise and worship was awesome and Jervis shared with us that if you still value what you bring to God, you don't yet understand His real value!
Monday was our first trip to a local village for vision testing and school ministry. We traveled to the village of San Felipe and set up in the covered meeting place outside the church and in the church itself. It is crazy unbelievable to pause during the course of the day and take in what's around me. And dwell on the thought of just exactly of where I am and what I'm doing here!!
I was blessed to spend the day with the younger members of the team as they went into six classrooms in the local school and entertained the students with song, dance, skits and crafts!! I was amazed at the vibrancy and fun-loving spirit of the young people on this trip!! They are incredible!! As the afternoon wore on, I was caught up in their antics and joined them in singing, clapping and skits!!
God has, of course, invited us to Belize because He has something for us. There are already members of the team who have been touched in mighty ways and the week is yet young!!
We had lunch today in the home of Mr. Martin. This was an incredibly unique cultural experience! He talked of his life in Belize, his family, his work, his home and we found it all to be very enjoyable.
There are so many opportunities here for ministry! I realize, of course, that there are 100's of places around the world where ministry is needed, so one must follow your heart as you earnestly seek the kingdom of God!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Safe Journey

The 18 team Belize 2011 team members arrived safely at Laugh Out Loud Ministry in southern Belize Saturday afternoon. Travel went exceptionally smooth, to include processing customs in Belize.

Today (Sunday) promises more revelation of what God has for each of us here this week.

We will attend church to listen to Tim C preach. Some of the team will conduct the children's Sunday School.

Keep us in prayer! Jervis asked us to share expectations last was an awesome beginning and indicative of what is to come!!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Saturday Morning

We safely arrivrd at the airport and processed thru ticketing
And security relatively easiily. Next stop, Belize!!! Next hurdle, customs
Then on to LOL!!! Spirits are h
igh and God is good!!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Belize 2011

Eighteen excited individuals are ready to board a Delta Flight Saturday morning (Oct 1st), eventually to arrive at Laugh Out Loud Ministry in southern Belize! All are appropriately excited! This team has come together and has done a marvelous job at fund-raising for this trip! Please stay apprised of our adventures and God's work in our lives and the lives of the Belizean people!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Belize 2011

In a couple of short weeks, 18 of us will head for Punta Gorda Belize and Laugh Out Loud Ministries! "Our bags are packed, we're ready to go, we're (almost) standing here, outside the door...." Please watch this blog for updates prior to, during and after this trip.
We know that God has great things for us in Belize!!!